august 19th - august 30th

We’re fostering puppies! After our sweet babies, TC and Abbie, passed away 2 years ago and almost one year ago, respectively, we were completely heartbroken. We missed having a dog in the house so much, but were nowhere near ready to adopt again (but we did want to help homeless pups). We had talked about possibly fostering, and finally put in the application. The rescue that we applied to called asking us if we could take two puppies who were part of a transport that they were bringing up from Louisiana, getting them out of the path of Hurricane Laura. We haven’t named them yet (since we’re trying REALLY hard not to get too attached and be foster fails on the first try), but they’re ADORABLE! Remember to ADOPT, don’t shop!!! There are SO MANY animals in shelters and rescues that need a home! PLEASE don’t support pet stores and breeders.

Aside from the cute pups, we also FINALLY caught a fish this week (at the beach), we bought and rowed an inflatable boat to a little island in the bay (on the windiest day possible), went on a couple more bike rides, had a reading night in bed, and made pizzas in Anthony’s DIY pizza oven.