February 12th - February 23rd

We spent the past week or so finally finishing up the kids’ room switch/bedroom upgrades (that we started in November), after Fisher and Jack’s backordered desks FINALLY arrived! Valentine’s Day and the 100th Day of School were also celebrated! I CAN’T BELIEVE this school year is more than halfway over!! It’s scary how fast time is flying by…

We also squeezed in a day trip to Sandy Hook to see the seals that hang out on the rocks there. They weren’t there, but it was still a great day…just getting out of the house was so nice, but we also saw lots of adorable furry deer and grabbed some hot chocolate and cookies for the ride home!

As if that wasn’t enough excitement for the week, a small hole that was drilled for a pipe under our sink apparently wasn’t sealed properly, and a little mouse got into our kitchen. We finally caught it after he/she was on the lam overnight. Our kids were so excited to have the temporary house guest! They drew pictures of it and gave him lots of treats before he was set free in the woods.