ant and hollie


  • 'ant' spends his days analyzing data and preparing pretty presentations

  • hollie is an elementary art teacher whose favorite "color" is white. she loves animals and the beach, and is most annoyed by hypocrisy and the fact that Crayola stopped making dandelion crayons

  • parents to four crazy & adorable children (3 boys and 1 girl) and a houseful of animals (cats, dogs, tortoises, hermit crabs, and the occasional tadpole or caterpillar)


  • project & activity ideas to be done with (or for) the family

  • covering a variety of topics, materials, tools, and skills

  • project plans? sure, usually. project videos? maybe. we're still figuring out how this whole thing is going to work


  • we've been inspired by so many from the diy & maker communities we wanted to share our experiences and hopefully inspire others

  • also, this little project helps us justify the inordinate amount of time we spend creating, designing, and building