august 1st - august 5th

So, we tried fishing AGAIN, and still haven’t caught a thing… We did catch several critters when we went seining at least. For those of you unfamiliar, seining is when you walk into the water (we go to the bay) with a long net, walk in a circle, and then come back to shore. Then you lay the net out on the sand, quickly search through the seaweed to see what you caught, and then we either toss the creatures back into the bay, or put them in buckets of water that we have waiting. (Move quickly so no creatures die!) The kids look at the critters, take some pictures, and then we release everything. This time we caught a bunch of small fish, some shrimp, crabs, snails, and a small jellyfish. We bought our net a couple years ago, and at 9 feet long, it was the largest one that our local bait shop carried. It’s WAY too small though, and we’re going to upgrade to this one.

Hurricane Isaias also passed through and knocked out our power for 12.5 hours. We were VERY lucky though! We had no major damage, and other people in New Jersey lost power for several days to a week! The boys weren’t fans of taking a cold bath that night, but they did like laying all together on the living room floor while I read them a Boxcar Children book by flashlight.

We also played in the hose, planted some herbs, and Fisher lost his first tooth! He was VERY excited…and even more excited that the tooth-fairy didn’t have change for a twenty…