october 5th - october 11th

Between schoolwork assignments, Fisher and Jack designed some postcards for "PostcardsToVoters.org”, and we mailed them out to encourage people to VOTE!

Over the weekend, we did a beach cleanup…we picked up about 30lbs of garbage, and all of the volunteers together cleaned up over 900 lbs of garbage and 1500 lbs of wood! We also did a little fishing and had dinner by the lighthouse.

On Sunday, we went back to the beach. I stopped to take a picture of a seagull and realized he/she was completely tangled in fishing line and couldn’t walk or fly. Anthony and I got him/her untangled and then realized there was a hook stuck in its wing. We got it out and carried the poor little guy up to the dune to rest. He/she was able to walk when we left, so we’re hoping for the best! The kids left him/her some sand crabs and Cheerios for a snack. <3